Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Some Things God has Never Seen!

I love listening to other preachers. David Gallamore, Johnny Hunt, HB Charles, Jr. and Adrian Rogers are my favorites. Preachers come in all shapes, sizes and sorts. I believe most preachers like listening to other preacher's messages. Many times we take notes and glean truths for our own sermons. We go to conferences to listen to other preachers because it ministers to our heart (we need preaching to!). And preachers also like to get together and share sermon outlines with one another. I prefer to listen to expository preaching (verse by verse), but every now and then, a particular sermon- whether topical or expository- will grab my attention. Such was the sermon that I listened to one Sunday afternoon as I drove home from church. I do not know the Pastor's name. I do not remember the name of his church- other than it was in NC. The sermon grabbed my attention in such a way, that I remained in the car to listen to it's completion. I believe someone reading this blog today needs some encouragement, so I am going to just give a brief synopsis of the message. Just by chance that the Pastor who preached this message is reading this (unlikely), I give you full credit for the outline! 

Again, this is not a theological, homiletical or hermeneutical masterpiece... it is a simple message that ministered to me and reminded me of some truths that I may have forgotten in the midst of difficult times.

Sermon: "Some Things God has Never Seen!"
Scripture: Jeremiah 32.27
Matthew 19.26
Luke 1.37

*If you are in season of trouble, trial, sorrow or suffering, be encouraged today. There are some things that you may be going through that only God can take care of. There are some things He has never seen that may lift your spirit today and give you hope:

1.) God has Never Seen a Situation He Could not Control

Just ask:

A. The Israelites who were in bondage for over 400 years
B. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
C. Daniel
D. Noah
E. Mary, Martha and Lazarus
F. 5000 hungry men (plus their families)
E. The tomb they laid Jesus in

2.) God has Never Seen a Sorrow He Could not Console

*He can handle:

A. The Sorrow of Sin (John 8)
B. The Sorrow of Suffering (Job)
C. Sorrow of Separation (John 14)

3.) God has Never Seen a Sickness He Could not Cure

A. Emotional Sickness (Demoniac, Mark 5)
B. Physical Sickness (Paralytic, Mark 2)
C. Spiritual Sickness (Zacchaeus, Luke 19.9-10)

4.) God has Never Seen a Sinner He Would not Convert

John 3.16
Romans 10.9-10
Romans 10.13
Acts 16.30-34

A. The "Good" (Nicodemus)
B. The "Bad" (Paul)
C. The Indifferent (Peter and Andrew)

*And there are so many more situations in this life that He is the answer for! Nothing- not your problem, not my problem, not your neighbor's problem- is to hard for Him....

Until Next Time,
Bro. Stuart
Eph. 3.20

Sunday Reflections (7-30-17)

It was another wonderful day in the house of God this past Sunday. God is so gracious to His people. There is something special about gathering together with brothers and sisters in Christ and worshiping the Lord Jesus. I love to sing to Him. I love to pray to Him. I love to give to Him. I love to preach about Him. He is worthy of it all!

In our study on "The Church Ablaze," this past Sunday we encountered a man Set Ablaze for God. His name was Saul of Tarsus- you and I know him better as the Apostle Paul. When God saved Paul on the Damascus Road, He taught us that: 1) He can save anybody, and 2) He can use anybody in His service. Paul went from Sinner to Saint in a measureless moment, and he went from Saint to Servant in a matter of weeks and months. 

I was taught Evangelism at Southeastern Seminary by Dr. Alvin Reid. In his class, we were certified in Continous Witnessing Training, commonly referred to as CWT. We were also taught in his class (to the best of my recollection) a simple outline that could be used to share our testimony with someone we were witnessing to, in less than 2.5 minutes. We wrote our testimony down, edited it, and then practiced sharing it with our classmates. The outline is easy to remember and I believe has a Biblical example. As I shared our sermon Sunday about Paul from the book of Acts, I shared that brief outline with our people:

I. MY LIFE BEFORE RECEIVING CHRIST (Saul the Sinner) (Acts 9.1-2; 1st Tim. 1.13-15)

II. HOW I CAME TO KNOW CHRIST IN SAVING FAITH (Saul the Saint) (Acts 9. 3-18)

III. MY LIFE AFTER RECEIVING CHRIST (Saul the Servant) (Acts 9.20-30ff)


What a wonderful story and one of the most life changing, history impacting  conversions in the world! But it is also very practical and applicable. Take some time this week and write down your personal testimony of conversion. After writing it down, edit it down to the basics until you can share it in 2-3 minutes. Then practice it throughout the day as you drive, as you are on break, or as you spend time with a family member or friend. Finally, share it with a lost person in confidence, and then let God do the rest...

...Oh yeah...I know what many of you are thinking. You are thinking that your testimony is not as powerful and dramatic as Paul's.... Oh yes it is. You were a wicked sinner headed for hell. You were a vile sinner who needed a Savior. Your sin was no less repugnant to God than Paul's sin. Yet God in His grace reached as far down to save your unworthy soul as He did to save Paul's. YOU have a story to tell. I have a story to tell. Let's share it!

Until Next Time,
Bro. Pastor
Gal. 2.20

Some Things God has Never Seen!

I love listening to other preachers. David Gallamore, Johnny Hunt, HB Charles, Jr. and Adrian Rogers are my favorites. Preachers come in all...